Welcome to the Adventist Youth


1.Click here to view departmental details 2. Click here to view our time management 3. Click here to view our success stories

AY MISSION: The salvation of youth through Jesus Christ. We understand youth ministry to be that work of the church that is conducted for, with, and by young people.

AY AIM: The Advent message to all the world in my generation.

AY MOTTO: The love of Christ constrains me.

AY PLEDGE: Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the youth ministry of the church, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the Gospel in all the world.

1. Departmental details


Position: AY Leader

Name: Br. Lloyd Hajanika


Cell: 09


Position: Assistant AY Leader





Position: A. Y Secretary





Position: Assistant A.Y Secretary




2. Our Time Management

Date Event Location Resource Person
 05/02/2012  AY Outdoor Witnessing  TBA Department 
 12/02/2012  Education Tour (AY/Pathfinders)  Kalimba Farm  Department 
 18/03/2012  Education Tour (Senior Youths/Ambassadors)    NCZ, Kafue Department 
 08/04/2012  Leadership Seminar  Mtendere Main Department
 06/05/2012  Youth Choir  Visit  Chainama  Department
 01/07/2012  Examinations Preparations  Mtendere Main Department 
 08/07/2012  Nature Study  TBA Department 
 29/07/2012  Community Service  Mtendere T/ship Youth Choir 
 23/12/2012  End of Year Camp Starts TBA  Department 

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3. Our Success stories

Story Description Story Pictures












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