Church Dimersion


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Welcome To Munali SDA Church website.
Munali SDA Church of  Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mid-Lands Zambia Conference location, Lusaka, Zambia.
Meet the Church Leadership

The District Pastor


Name: Pr. 

Email address: 

Cell Number:(+260) 0977-


The Church Officers

Position: 1st Elder

Name: Kelvin Chiyabi
Incharge of Audit and Church Clerks
Email address: 

Cell Number: (+260) 0979-467655                                        


Position: Serving Elder

Name: Shadreck Mutinta

Email address:

Cell Number: (+260) 0977-



Position: Serving Elder


Email address: 

Cell Number: (+260) 0966-299734


Position: Serving Elder

Incharge of Music, Children Ministries and Interest Coordinator

Name: G. M. Sepete

Email address: 

Cell Nuber: (+260) 0955-975969


Position: Serving Elder
Elder incharge of Family Life, Deacon & Deaconesses


Email address:

Cell Number: (+260) 0977-467655 


Position: Serving Elder
Elder incharge of Treasury, Communication &Education

Name: S. K. Yamba

Email address:

Cell Number: (+260) 0972-920054




Position: Serving Elder

Name: Kasiwa Indopu
In charge of Building, Sabbath School & Women Ministries

Email address: 

Cell Number: (+260) 0977-828074



Position: Serving Elder

In charge of Family Life

Email address:

 Cell Number: (+260) 0971-803500




Website Administrators


Name: Deacon Lweemdo Muselitata

Position: Communication Secretary
Email address:   

Cell Number: (+260)0979-


Name: Sr. Lontia Mudenda

 Position: Admin Clerk (In charge of membership)

 Email address:

 Cell Number: (+260) 0979-750639




Name: Deacon Alick Ngoma

Position: Ass. Clerk

Email address: 

 Cell Number: (+260) 0979         



Name: Sr. Brenda Mukata

Position: Ass.Clerk

Email address:

Cell Number: (+260) 0979-750639


Name: Derrick J. Muneene

Email address: 

Cell Number: (+26) 0977-120679

Name: Joe Phiri

Email address:

Cell Number: (+26) 0979-419665